
Christ church Kensington


We have a playgroup that runs every Tuesday morning from 9.30 am to 11 am. The playgroup is coordinated by one of our congregation members, Suzanne and all members of the community both with and outside the congregation are welcome.

Each week there is a period of free play with a wide range of toys, an optional craft activity, morning tea and finishes with story time and songs. All children aged birth – preschool and their parents or carers are welcome to come along and join us. A piece of fruit towards morning tea would be a welcome contribution.

The hall has some good facilities which include: toys for the children including art and craft pieces, a kitchen with microwave, fridge, lockable cupboard, tables and chairs, play mats, outdoor play area, and toilet facilities.

Call the office to inquire about enrolling in our Playgroup on 03 9372 2151